I showed you a sample of this colorway yesterday HERE. I made this bracelet with 8mm round beads which look brighter orange in my photos than they do in real life. They're actually a little more subtle pumpkin color. Teejay sent them to me for Christmas and I'm pretty sure that she got them from the Chinese bead lady at Leeds market. I used my one-needle method to make this bracelet.
Watch the free "Sunflower Bracelet" YouTube tutorial by HoneyBeads HERE.
This bracelet has been adapted from a YouTube tutorial by HoneyBeads which you can watch HERE. I made mine with one needle instead of two and used 8mm Candy beads instead of 8mm round beads. The results are even nicer with Candy beads than with round beads because they're flat on the back.
If you look very closely at the sample that I blogged about HERE, you'll see that the thread shows a little where the SuperDuos are connected to the round bead motifs. I had done that step as directed by the video by going through the second seed bead after the center one that connects the SuperDuo motif with the round bead motif. When I made today's bracelet, I got the crazy idea to try connecting the SuperDuos from the first seed bead after that center one and it works just as well and leaves no thread showing. That's how I will make these bracelets from now on and that's what I did with the three samples below too.
I wanted to try out my one-needle method using regular 8mm round beads so I made three samples. My method does work but I did needed to change a couple of things because of the beads only having one hole.
11/0 seed beads Toho "Antique Bronze" (223)
8/0 seed beads Toho "Antique Bronze" (223)
8mm round beads "Tangerine" (Chinese)
SuperDuo beads "Opaque White Full Apricot"
11/0 seed beads Miyuki "Metallic Chocolate" (461)
8/0 seed beads Miyuki "Metallic Chocolate" (461)
8mm druks "Matte Bronze"
SuperDuo beads "Light Blue Senegal"
11/0 seed beads Miyuki "Dark Bronze" (457)
8/0 seed beads Miyuki "Dark Bronze" (457)
8mm druks "Matte Milky Caramel"
SuperDuo beads "Chocolate White Luster"
I also made one more sample with Candy beads:
11/0 seed beads Miyuki "Dark Bronze" (457)
8/0 seed beads Miyuki "Dark Bronze" (457)
8mm 2-hole Candy beads "Chalk Lumi Green
SuperDuo beads "Blue Turquoise Bronze Picasso"
3mm bicones "Green AB" (Chinese)
You'll find a nice selection of 8mm Candy beads at Queen City Bead on Etsy HERE. I found the "Light Blue Senegal" SuperDuo beads at Aura Crystals, HERE. I got the "Matte Milky Caramel" druks on clearance and I don't know if they're available anywhere. I've forgotten where I got the "Matte Bronze" ones but I've seen them around online.
Read yesterday's post HERE about how I tweaked this pattern a little. I made this bracelet for myself but it came out a little too long. I love it so I will re-make it and somehow tweak the motifs on the ends to shorten it.
You'll find these 8mm Candy beads at Queen City Bead on Etsy HERE. You can buy the "Bubble Bands" pattern at Around the Beading Table HERE. As far as I know, these Czech bicones are only available from Red Panda HERE.
I almost missed it. I was looking through my beading folder on my computer yesterday and found a note that said that I started beading in August of 2012. It's been a fun four years and I've gotten to know a lot of very nice beaders from around the world.
Someone posted one of these single-row "Bubble Bands" bracelets on Deb's Facebook page and her photo inspired me to give the pattern a try. It's such a cute little bracelet that I went nuts making samples in seven different colorways. I must confess that I tweaked Deb's pattern a little when it came to adding the seed beads around the cabochons. Instead of picking up 11/0 seed beads along with the 3mm beads as directed, I added them later to the netting. This method might not work well with other 2-hole beads but it works nicely with round beads. I've tried this method with the 6mm cabochons that I used to make these samples and also with 8mm Candy beads. Check back tomorrow to see how this bracelet looks with 8mm Candy beads.
11/0 seed beads Toho "Antique Bronze" (223)
6mm 2-hole cabochons "Alabaster #29436"
3mm Czech pearls "Antique Gold"
4mm druks "Sueded Gold Capri Blue"
11/0 seed beads Miyuki "Dark Bronze" (457)
6mm 2-hole cabochons "Chalk While Teal Luster"
3mm druks "Bronze"
4mm fire polished beads "Moss Green"
11/0 seed beads Miyuki "Dark Bronze" (457)
6mm 2-hole cabochons "Alabaster Pastel Bordeaux"
3mm druks "Bronze"
4mm fire polished beads "Halo Regal"
11/0 seed beads Miyuki "Dark Bronze" (457)
6mm 2-hole cabochons "Alabaster Pastel Petrol"
3mm druks "Bronze"
4mm fire polished beads "Polynesian #19074 - Indigo Orchid"
11/0 seed beads Miyuki "Dark Bronze" (457)
6mm 2-hole cabochons "Alabaster #29436"
3mm druks "Bronze"
4mm fire polished beads "Halo Shadows"
11/0 seed beads Miyuki "Dark Bronze" (457)
6mm 2-hole cabochons "Alabaster #29425"
3mm druks "Bronze"
4mm druks "Moon Dust Milky Alexandrite"
11/0 seed beads Miyuki "Dark Bronze" (457)
6mm 2-hole cabochons "Alabaster Pastel Burgundy"
3mm druks "Bronze"
4mm fire polished beads "Stone Pink Luster"
You can buy the "Bubble Bands" pattern at Around the Beading Table HERE. Red Panda has a nice selection of 2-hole cabochons.
When I first got the 8mm Candy beads, I searched online for patterns for them. Alas, I wasn't able to find any which is what inspired me to try working them into existing patterns. Although I didn't find any patterns, I did find a bracelet for sale on Etsy that was made with the Candy beads. You can see it HERE. It appears to be an adaptation of the "Duo Kheops Bracelet" pattern by Marina Beads. If you have that pattern, you should be able to easily replace the Kheops beads with Candy beads it by looking at my photos. This version has 8/0 seed beads between the SuperDuos instead of 11/0 beads and you simply add three 11/0's above and below the Candy bead.
11/0 seed beads Toho "Galvanized Carnival" (513)
8/0 seed beads Toho "Galvanized Carnival" (513)
8mm 2-hole Candy beads "Matte Golden Olive"
SuperDuo beads "Turquoise Blue Picasso"
11/0 seed beads Miyuki "Dark Bronze" (457)
8/0 seed beads Miyuki "Dark Bronze" (457)
8mm 2-hole Candy beads "Chalk Lumi Green"
SuperDuo beads "Opaque Violet White Luster"
11/0 seed beads Miyuki "Duracoat Pewter" (4222)
8/0 seed beads Miyuki "Duracoat Pewter" (4222)
8mm 2-hole Candy beads "Montana Blue"
SuperDuo beads "Pearl Coat Brown Sugar"
You'll find these 8mm Candy beads at Queen City Bead on Etsy HERE. You can buy the original "Duo Kheops" pattern on Etsy HERE.
"Presa Linda Bracelet" is my adaptation of Carole Ohl's "Presa Bracelet" tutorial. It's usually made with Silky beads but it also works very well with 6mm 2-hole cabochons and these 8mm 2-hole Candy beads. I only had to adjust the number of seed beads that go around the Candy beads. Five 11/0 beads fit perfectly in both of my samples. I love all three of these colorways so I will probably make them for myself. The "Chalk Lumi Green" one is my favorite.
11/0 seed beads Toho "Metallic Bronze Antique Gold" (225)
8/0 seed beads Toho "Metallic Bronze Antique Gold" (225)
8mm 2-hole Candy beads "Chalk Lumi Green"
Pinch beads "Chrome Antique Gold"
11/0 seed beads Miyuki "Dark Bronze" (457)
8/0 seed beads Miyuki "Dark Bronze" (457)
8mm 2-hole Candy beads "Jet"
Pinch beads "Red Luster" or "Chalk Green Luster"
You'll find these 8mm Candy beads at Queen City Bead on Etsy HERE. Download the free "Presa Linda Bracelet" pattern from THIS post. Carole has "Presa Linda" kits for sale in several colorways in her Etsy shop HERE.
You'll find these 8mm Candy beads at Queen City Bead on Etsy HERE. You can buy Puca's original "Camille" pattern in her Etsy shop HERE (this pattern is no longer available).
This was my first time trying Deb Roberti's free "Little Ditties" bracelet pattern. The Candy beads are perfect for this pattern because they're a little larger than the 2-hole beads that the pattern calls for. I think that the larger size suites the scale of the SuperDuo motifs better. No changes to the pattern are necessary when using Candy beads.
11/0 seed beads Miyuki "Dark Bronze" (457)
8/0 seed beads Miyuki "Dark Bronze" (457)
8mm 2-hole Candy beads "Jet"
SuperDuo beads "Polychrome Denim Blue"
3mm druks "Bronze"
11/0 seed beads Miyuki "Dark Bronze" (457)
8/0 seed beads Miyuki "Dark Bronze" (457)
8mm 2-hole Candy beads "Chalk Lumi Green"
SuperDuo beads "Blue Turquoise Bronze Picasso"
3mm fire polished beads "Transparent Green Luster"
You'll find these 8mm Candy beads at Queen City Bead on Etsy HERE. Download the free bracelet pattern from Around the Beading Table HERE.
I've blogged about my adaptation of Norma Jean Dell's "Lattice Gates Bracelet" pattern many times. I normally used Silky beads but you can see that 8mm Candy beads work great too. For one of my samples below, I tried some of those smooth SuperDuo beads that just happened to be exactly the same color as the Candy beads and they work just as well as the regular tapered kind. You'll find these smooth SuperDuos at Red Panda HERE.
11/0 seed beads Toho "Galvanized Carnival" (513)
8/0 seed beads Toho "Galvanized Carnival" (513)
8mm 2-hole Candy beads "Matte Golden Olive"
SuperDuo beads "Matte Golden Olive"
11/0 seed beads Toho "Galvanized Carnival" (513)
8/0 seed beads Toho "Galvanized Carnival" (513)
8mm 2-hole Candy beads "Matte Golden Olive"
SuperDuo beads "Chalk Lazure Red"
11/0 seed beads Miyuki "Dark Bronze" (457)
8/0 seed beads Miyuki "Dark Bronze" (457)
8mm 2-hole Candy beads "Light Blue Travertine"
SuperDuo beads "Yellow Dark Travertin"
11/0 seed beads Toho "Nickel Plated" (711)
8/0 seed beads Toho "Nickel Plated" (711)
8mm 2-hole Candy beads "Montana Blue"
SuperDuo beads "Opaque Violet White Luster"
You'll find these 8mm Candy beads at Queen City Bead on Etsy HERE. You can buy Norma Jean Dell's original "Lattice Gates Bracelet" pattern on Etsy HERE.