Friday, May 29, 2015

Free Beading Pattern: Elinor Bracelet

It's finally here! Teejay has outdone herself with this Art Nouveau style bracelet and I think you'll have fun making it. The pattern calls for two colors of 8/0 seed beads. One is the main color and the other is an accent color. It looks just as nice if you use all main color seed beads.

  • 15/0 seed beads Miyuki "Duracoat Galvanized Mink Bronze" (D4213)
  • 11/0 seed beads Miyuki "Duracoat Galvanized Mink Bronze" (D4213)
  • 8/0 seed beads Miyuki "Duracoat Galvanized Mink Bronze" (D4213)
  • 8/0 seed beads Toho "Permanent Finish Matte Galvanized Peach Coral" (552PFF)
  • SuperDuo beads "Opaque Rose Gold Topaz Luster"
  • 4mm druks "Opal Rose"

I took photos of the pink one from two angles so that you can see the two motif configurations. After making this bracelet, I decided to make the purple bracelet below slightly different. I wanted the SuperDuo ends of the motifs to be in the very center of my bracelet. To do this, I had to attach my clasp to the other ends of the first and last motifs. Although the pattern doesn't explain how to this, it's very easy to switch them around. Just continue on with the bracelet from the SuperDuo end of the first motif and attach the clasp to the end with the "chains" of seed beads. You'll do steps 1-13 then skip to step 29 and continue from there as directed. Bear in mind that if you're making a different size bracelet, you might not need to switch the motifs around like I did. I wear a 6-inch bracelet which works out to have a druk in the very center and I needed a total of five druks.

  • 15/0 seed beads Miyuki "Dark Bronze" (457D)
  • 11/0 seed beads Miyuki "Dark Bronze" (457D)
  • 8/0 seed beads Miyuki "Dark Bronze" (457D)
  • 8/0 seed beads Toho "Matte Cassiopeia" (708)  
  • SuperDuo beads "Metallic Suede Pink"
  • 4mm druks "Bronze"

Click HERE to download the free pattern

If you like this pattern, please consider making a voluntary donation through PayPal using the DONATE button on the right.

NOTE: I don't mind if you sell the projects that you make with our patterns, but please mention that you got the pattern from Linda's Crafty Inspirations. Please contact me for information about teaching this or any of our patterns in a class.


  1. Linda did you get your galvanized matte peach coral 8/0 from auracrystals. She is sold out and I haven't been able to locate them any where else. Hugs Ann

    1. I bought mine from Bello Modo HERE. By the way, Aura Crystals is run by a man named Robert.

    2. Beautiful pattern (bracelet). Thank you Teejay and Linda....looking forward to making it.

      Also, Linda where do you buy your clasp from?

      Thanks Charlene

    3. Charlene, I'm pretty sure that I bought the copper one in a local shop and I know they get them from China. I also have been buying my magnet clasps from China (on eBay) and that's where I got the bronze one on the purple bracelet. I've blogged about where to buy magnet clasps before. HERE is a link to my post. I'm not sure if all of those shops are still around but I know for sure that best-love-u365 is still around because I just ordered some from there a few weeks ago.

    4. I would love to have this pattern but it’s not in English it’s no good to me.

    5. The pattern is definitely in English because I wrote it.

  2. Love this design thank you for sharing!!


  3. thank you for this truly superb tutorial

  4. I was looking for SuperDuo/Silky patterns and was pointed to your pages by the Seed Beads Galore FB site. I love them! I downloaded a few to try, and expect to stay up late tonight. Thanks for all the patterns.

  5. Beautiful pattern! And very clear instructions. Thanks for making them available! I made the Elinor earrings and they turned out great. I'm getting ready to make the Elinor bracelet but I have a quick question on the working thread length. The supplies list indicates about 4 yards of thread. Do I just use a workable length (about an armspan's length) rather than trying to work with all 4 yards in one length? Thanks!

    1. I don't enjoy adding thread so most of the time I use the total amount that is called for but rarely will I use more than 4 yards at once. I almost always start with at least 3 yards. I figure if I've got any extra thread left over, I can save it to make samples or earrings. If a pattern calls for 5 or more yards, I generally will start with 3 yards and add another 2-3 yards later.

      A couple of good reasons not to use 4 yards of thread at once would be if you know that a particular pattern or the beads that you're using tend to fray the thread or if a particular stitch has a tendency to twist and tangle the thread badly.

      A good reason to not work with a short thread, which would result in having to add thread at least once, would be if you're making a pattern that has very few secure paths to weave in the ends of the thread. By using one length of thread, you only have to weave in the two ends rather than several if you had added thread.

      So, it's really up to you and what you're comfortable with. It doesn't bother me to work with a really long thread but that might not be the case for you. I should add that if you are going to work with a long thread, make sure that you condition it well and stretch it. Of course you should do that even with a short thread but it's super important with a long one.

  6. Thank you, Linda, for the detailed and helpful reply! I'm excited to make the bracelet. :-)


    1. Try the link above again, Erika. I've fixed it.

  8. Dear Linda,your work is really stunning..I've always wanted to this kind of elegant jewelry and you inspired me A lot..thank is unbelievable and all the very best

    1. I have just finished my first Elinor bracelet. Great pattern, thank you so much, Linda. But, I made it like your purple bracelet, and it's too long for me. Is the pink one smaller or bigger?

    2. It's been a long time since I made those bracelets but I seem to recall that the purple one is longer than the pink one. I made the pink one to fit me and the purple one was for someone else. It can be a little tricking working out which configuration to make for a particular size.

  9. I'm planing on making this project to send as a gift to my in-laws family in Algeria. I will definitely make a card giving credits to Linda's craft inspirations. Thank you for sharing ur beautiful patterns free.

  10. Very good tutorial. And beautiful design.

  11. Hi, beautiful brecelet. the link for free pattern doesn't work. do you have the link?

    1. Hi Carina. I just tried the link and it's working. Try right-clicking on it and choose "Save link as...".

  12. Hello, I just tried to download the pattern and it is in some kind of computer language which is impossible to understand. Does this mean that it is no longer available?
    It’s a gorgeous pattern and I am very thankful that you have let us use it but now it’s unreadable. Thank you

    1. It's a normal PDF file. I just downloaded it myself to test it and there is nothing wrong with it. Try downloading it again. If it still doesn't work, send me a message using the "Send me an email" form on the right and I will email a copy to you.

    2. Wow. What a great pattern. Came out beautifully. Thank you so much.
