Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Playing with my beads...Memento Band Sample

  • 11/0 seed beads Miyuki "Dark Bronze" (457)
  • 8/0 seed beads Miyuki Union "Opaque White Lila Gold Luster" (15695)
  • Kheops par Puca beads "Opaque Rose Gold Ceramic"
  • CzechMates tile beads "Opaque Smoky Topaz Gold Luster"

I recently got a request from Deb Roberti to test something for her with her "Memento Band" pattern. I had never made that pattern before but I did happen to have the necessary beads on hand. I even had some 8/0 seed beads in the same color as the CzechMates tiles and Kheops par Puca beads. Although I don't generally wear bracelets as wide as this one (it's about 1 1/4" wide), I really like the slinky feel of the beadwork. I find myself picking it up now and again just to feel the texture of it in my hand.

In the photo below, I have draped the sample over my arm so that you can get a sense of the width of the bracelet.

You can buy Deb's pattern HERE at Around the Beading Table or HERE in her Etsy shop. The 8/0 seed beads are no longer available from the place where I bought mine but I found some online in a couple of places. If you're in the UK, Spoilt Rotten Beads has them HERE. In the US, Charlene's Beads has them HERE. The color looks off in her photo but the color number does match up with what I have.


  1. lovely, thank you! and thank you for testing :)

  2. Wow, it's like Egypt in a bracelet!

  3. One of my most favorite designs to make! I have one back for repair, though, so I plan to use a heavier than usual line.....there are not too many passes, so I'll try 10 lb test nanofil next, or maybe 12.

    1. Hi Liz. Just out of curiosity, what color Kheops did you use on the bracelet that broke? Have you had any problems with breakage on any other Memento Bands that you've made?

  4. I'm so sorry, I just spotted your question, Linda. The bracelet that broke is the only one that has sold, although I've made several. It had shiny black Kheops, and I cannot see any problems with them. I have remade it with 12 lb nanofil, and so far, so good. I love the design, and the way they feel.

    1. The reason that I asked was because someone contacted Deb about a problem with Kheops and this pattern and she used the same color that I used. It turns out that she got a bad batch of Kheops and they were cutting her Fireline. I had no problem with mine even though I bought them from the same site that she did.
